Ruler Of The Gods

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Indra, the Hindu king of gods

Zeus became the ruler of heaven and earth after a revolt against his father, Kronos. In his position as king of the gods, Zeus had to play mediator when other the immortals were mad at each other. He is the father of Athena, who is said to have sprung from his head. She was his favorite child, with whom he shared the thunderbolt and aegis. These two families of gods were at war for a long time but eventually made peace. The main gods of the Vikings were Odin, Thor, and Frey, but there were many minor gods like Loki. Viking or Norse gods lived in a kingdom in the sky called Asgard in palaces made of gold and silver. The largest of these palaces was Odin's home called Valhalla. Who would make a better ruler of the gods? Discussion I've been sitting with idea for a while and I'm hoping that a community of writers such as this subreddit might be able to help my thought process, if you wouldn't mind. Big slot wins 2016. Though Indra still retains the title of the King of the Gods and the Ruler of Heaven. In the Ancient Greek system of Olympian Gods, Cronus displaces Uranus, and Zeus in turn displaces Cronus In Norse mythology, Odin assumes the role as the Allfather or King of the Gods but as the mythology has multiple tribes of Gods such as the Aesir and Vanir. In Hinduism, the King of the Gods was originally Dyaus, later subsumed by Indra. Though Indra still retains the title of the King of the Gods and the Ruler of Heaven. In the Ancient Greek system of Olympian Gods, Cronus displaces Uranus, and Zeus in turn displaces Cronus.

As polytheistic systems evolve, there is a tendency for one deity, usually male, to achieve preeminence as king of the gods. This tendency can parallel the growth of hierarchical systems of political power in which a monarch eventually comes to assume ultimate authority for human affairs. Other gods come to serve in a Divine Council or pantheon – such subsidiary courtier-deities are usually linked by family ties from the union of a single husband or wife, or else from an androgynous divinity who is responsible for the creation. Betonline com reviews.

Historically, subsequent social events, such as invasions or shifts in power structures, can cause the previous king of the gods to be displaced by a new divinity, who assumes the displaced god's attributes and functions. Casino games slot machines. Frequently the king of the gods has at least one wife who is the queen of the gods.

According to feminist theories of the replacement of original matriarchies by patriarchies, male sky gods tend to supplant female earth goddesses and achieve omnipotence.[1]

There is also a tendency for kings of the gods to assume more and more importance, syncretistically assuming the attributes and functions of lesser divinities, who come to be seen as aspects of the single supreme deity.

King of the gods in different cultures[edit]

Examples of this displacement of kings of the gods include:

  • In the MesopotamianAnunnaki, Enlil displaces Anu and is in turn replaced by Marduk.[2]
  • The Ancient EgyptianEnnead and Ogdoad, where the deityOsiris assumes pre-eminence, to be displaced by Seth or Sutekh, who is in turn replaced by Horus, son to Osiris and Isis
  • In the Canaanite pantheon, Baʿal (Hadad) displaces El
  • In the Hurrian/Hittite pantheon, Teshub or Tarhunt or Arinna displaces Kumarbi.
  • In the ArmenianAr, later – Aramazd.
  • In Hinduism, the King of the Gods was originally Dyaus, later subsumed by Indra.[3] Though Indra still retains the title of the King of the Gods[4] and the Ruler of Heaven.
  • In the Ancient Greek system of Olympian Gods, Cronus displaces Uranus, and Zeus in turn displaces Cronus
  • In Norse mythology, Odin assumes the role as the Allfather or King of the Gods but as the mythology has multiple tribes of Gods such as the Aesir and Vanir. Odin is the leader of the former.
  • Ancient IranianAhura Mazda of the Zoroastrians
  • Dravidian religions[5] had supreme gods based on lands including Seyyon, Mayyon, Vendhan and Kottravi

List of rulers of pantheons[edit]

The leaders of the various pantheons include:

  • Amazigh pantheon: old: Amun; new: Poseidon[dubious]
  • Algonquin pantheon: Gitche Manitou
  • Arabian pantheon: Allah[6][7]
  • Ashanti pantheon: Nyame
  • Australian Aboriginal pantheon: Baiame
  • Aztec pantheon: Huitzilopochtli, Ometeotl, Quetzalcoatl or Tezcatlipoca
  • Basque pantheon: Sugaar or Mari
  • Batak pantheon: (primordial) Debata Ompung Mulajadi na Bolon; (celestial) Batara Guru
  • Canaanite pantheon: El, later Baʿal (now usually identified with Hadad)
  • Carthaginian pantheon: Baʿal Hammon
  • Celtic pantheon: Dagda (Irish); possibly Lugus (Brythonic/Gallaeci/Gaulish)
  • Chinese pantheon: Yuanshi Tianzun, Jade Emperor, Shangdi, Tian
  • Circassian pantheon: Theshxwe
  • Dahomey pantheon: Nana Buluku
  • Dravidian pantheon: Seyyon, Mayyon, Vendhan, Kotravi
  • Egyptian pantheon: Old Kingdom: Ra. New Kingdom: Amun
  • Finnic pantheon: Ukko, possibly Ilmarinen
  • Germanic pantheon: Odin
  • Georgian pantheon: Armazi, Ghmerti
  • Greek pantheon: Zeus
  • Guarani pantheon: Tupa
  • Haida pantheon: Raven
  • Hawaiian pantheon: Kāne
  • Hindu pantheon: Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Indra or Brahman
  • Hittite pantheon: Arinna or Teshub
  • Hopi pantheon: Angwusnasomtaka
  • Inca pantheon: Viracocha
  • Inuit pantheon: Anguta or Anigut but only among the Greenlandic Inuit
  • Japanese pantheon: Amenominakanushi, Izanagi-no-Mikoto, then Amaterasu-Ōmikami
  • Korean pantheon: Dangun
  • Lakota pantheon: Wakan Tanka or Inyan
  • Lusitanian pantheon: Endovelicus
  • Mari pantheon: Kugu Jumo
  • Māori pantheon: Tāne
  • Mayan pantheon: Hunab Ku or Itzamna
  • Mbuti pantheon: Khonvoum
  • Mesopotamian pantheon: Sumerian: An, later Enlil; Babylonian: Marduk
  • Miwok pantheon: Coyote
  • Muisca pantheon: Chiminigagua
  • Nabatean pantheon: Dushara
  • Ossetian pantheon: Xucau
  • Persian pantheon: Ahura Mazda
  • Philippine pantheon: Bathala (Tagalog), Kan-Laon (Visayan)
  • Roman pantheon: Jupiter
  • Sami pantheon: Beaivi
  • Slavic pantheon: Perun
  • Turco-Mongol pantheon: Tengri, Tngri, Qormusta Tengri
  • Vietnamese pantheon: Lạc Long Quân
  • Vodou pantheon: Bondyé
  • Yoruba pantheon: Olorun
  • Zulu pantheon: Unkulunkulu, Umvelinqangi


The following are the characteristics shared by virtually all Kings of the gods:

  • Creation: Most of these gods derive their power from the fact that they created the world, formulated its laws and/or created life forms notably humans. Ex: Ra, Odin.
  • Dominion over the sky: Many such deities hold control over all aspects of the sky, such as weather, rain, thunderstorms, air, winds and celestial objects like stars. They also control some aspects of earth like harvest, fertility, plants or mountains. Ex: Zeus, Indra, Perun.
  • Lightning bolts as personal weapons: Commonly seen with sky gods.
  • Divine Wisdom: Some Kings of Gods possess superior wisdom and clairvoyance, compared to most beings. Ex: Ra, Odin.
  • God of the Sun, Daylight or Celestial Fire: Some kings of gods are associated with the Sun, as it is life giving and is a powerful symbol of order. They are said to be in charge of celestial fire which are purifying by nature. Daylight is also an important phenomenon as most events take place under its presence. Ex: Ra, Dyeus Pitr.
  • Conquest, Law, Justice, Order, Time and Fate: Most kings of gods have the ability to control the events of battle and grant victory to those who deserve it. They are seen as paragons of law and promote order. They are seen as powerful manifestations of their respective civilizations. Some gods either possess great skill in war or tremendous physical strength. Some of them have some control over time and regulate it with seasons. Others have limited control over the fate of a human. Ex: Zeus, Odin, Ra, Indra.
  • Divine authority over other gods: This may be because the concerned head of the pantheon is the father or creator of many gods and goddesses who swear allegiance to him. As a result, the king of the gods makes sure that all deities function properly, punish them for misdeeds, grant or take away immortality from lesser gods etc. Ex: Zeus, Odin, Anu.
  • Divine rival: In some cases, there may be another god, who is equal in supernatural power and thinks he can do a better job than the current king. This often results in conflict, and in extreme cases, war. Ex: Ra and Apophis; Osiris, Set and Horus; Perun and Veles; Indra and the Asuras; Zeus and Poseidon; Cronos and Uranus; Typhon and Zeus etc.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Compare:Stookey, Lorena Laura (2004). 'Primal Parents'. Thematic Guide to World Mythology. Thematic Guides to Literature. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 142–143. ISBN9780313315053. Retrieved 2018-10-20. Myths from many cultures posit the original existence of [.] primal parents, or world parents, that most commonly take the forms of earth mother and sky father [.]. [.] the association of the father with the sky also signifies the ascendancy of the male that occurs with the emergence of patriarchal culture. [.] As agricultural communities are supplanted by warrior societies, the primal parent known as the sky father is readily transformed into another familiar figure, the omnipotent sky god who can also take the form of the sun god or the god of storms.
  2. ^
  3. ^Agrawala, Prithvi Kumar (1984). Goddessess [sic] in Ancient India. Abhinav Publications. p. 47. ISBN978-0-391-02960-6.
  4. ^Doniger, Wendy (2010-09-30). The Hindus: An Alternative History. OUP Oxford. p. 12. ISBN978-0-19-959334-7.
  5. ^'Dravidian folk religion', Wikipedia, 2019-11-15, retrieved 2019-11-28
  6. ^Campo 2009, p. 34. sfn error: no target: CITEREFCampo2009 (help)
  7. ^Hughes 2013, p. 25. sfn error: no target: CITEREFHughes2013 (help)
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Like most of the really big Roman Gods, Jupiter started out as a primeval nature deity. A Sky God, he was in charge of the fundamental forces of nature and ruled the weather with an iron grip and a big stick.

When Greek culture began to influence Roman thought, Jupiter took on the attributes of Zeus — with added Latin. With his forceful personality, he became King of the Gods and the special protector of Rome.

The Romans were always keen to get the Gods on their side and Jupiter was definitely a force to be reckoned with — especially with his thunderbolt-hurling propensities. They awarded him many flattering titles and put him in charge of their entire legal and political system.

Worshiped as Optimus Maximus, the all-powerful good guy, Jupiter kept order and brought prosperity to the nation. As Jupiter Victor he led the Roman army to victory in wars and conquests time and time again. In fact he was probably the Roman Empire's greatest asset after plumbing.

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Of course it all went terribly wrong in the end and the Empire fell. Perhaps Jupiter was offended by the deification of human emperors, particularly the later ones who were a bit rubbishy. Or maybe the new-fangled Christianity craze was the final insult. Either way, Jupiter withdrew his support and sloped off, leaving the Romans to fend for themselves.

Where is he now? Enjoying a well-earned grouchy retirement? Still hurling thunderbolts? Communing with the eagles? All sightings gratefully received. You can't miss him, he has a Godly beard, holds a thunderbolt and is stark naked.

Name: Jupiter
Pronunciation: Coming soon
Alternative names: Dies Pater, Djous Pater, Iovis, Iupiter, Iuppiter, Jove, Optimus Maximus

Gender: Male
Type: God
Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present

In charge of: Ruling
Area of expertise: Ruling

Good/Evil Rating: Unknown at present
Popularity index: 7132

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Almighty Ruler God Of Truth

Saunders, Chas, and Peter J. Allen, eds. 'JUPITER (Roman mythology)' Godchecker., Nov 18, 2018. Web. February 23, 2021.

Article last revised on November 18, 2018 by Rowan Allen.
Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders

References: Coming soon.

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